Cambio de Colores
What are the key issues you would like to see addressed next year?
Big barrier is culture
-What can we do to get more info out about
different cultures? How can we pass it on?
-Census data under estimates actual
population. We need better/more accurate
-Someone to work on generating better data.
OSEDA might be able to help with letter data
Can we find a way to get more elected officials involved next year?
Seems to be little interest
Budget cuts might have had an impact on agency/officials attendance
Different culture within Latino population.
Find most population and explore in more detail
As population grows stereotypes also increases. Need more diversity education options. Need to prepare educators to deal with it.
Need to work with all cultural communities-
Coalition building/ Advisory boards to begin discussion/ action on
issues before they develop into problems.
Additional research needed
Business development newly arrived and impact on
local economies.
Leadership development within minority groups
Provide examples of positive impacts of newcomers on different
communities and economies.
What are the obstacles to homeownership? Coalition building, small business dev.,
community building- asset building…
How do we build information networks that will enable access to
Examples/models of communities that have successfully managed/ dealt
with large numbers of newcomers, different cultures
Look for examples of what has worked, what didn’t and why?
Look at volunteer programs
Provide info on opportunities to volunteer
What resources are needed to address the issues?
Volunteers/ retired with cultural experience. Examples: opportunities
More research need on
Buying power
Economic impact
Market research
Do large corporations do their fair share in the communities in which
they locate?
Identify documentation assistance programs
Youth programs that teach cultural/ diversity- examples.
School-based programs- what’s working/what’s
not? Why?
Working with business community- identify them- get them involved
Find out what business need and try to partner with business to provide
services, education, and industry specific language training
Find local resources that can fill gaps in language training for
Ellis software
Identify resources, funding opportunities.
Clearing house of conference information