Cambio de Colores



Youth Family & Community


What are the key issues you would like to see addressed next year?


1)       Education- Youth H.S.à College (possible alternatives?  Being able to get into college. Some states already (i.e. OK). What to do to change law?


2)       Youth development is starting prior to High School

                        -(Kids 6-8th grade already in gangs/ decided to drop out)

                        -Programs, funding sources

                        -St Louis is not organized to deal with problems

-         In St. Louis and/or the State of Missouri how do we get grassroots coalitions started, giving a voice to issues.

-         Current split between undocumented population and examples of more public organizations like Chamber


3)       If legislation passes (Bush’s proposal) what will be the impact on:

-          Family- ability to get service

-         (1) Education- difference between public institutions and private community college

                                                                           i.      Which states allow attendance, which don’t? - How to change?

-         (4) Key Issues- Catholic Church needs to do more than recruiting members

                                                                           i.      Outreach to population for services

                                                                         ii.      What can Catholic Church do for families

                                                                        iii.      STL is still struggling; need more inc. funding

-         (5) Census- numbers underestimated, unable to get a good estimate on population – ‘invisible”

                                                                           i.      OSDEA offering to find data we need.

-         We provide services separated-

                                                                           i.      How to work together; innovative collaborations of youth, family and community organizations.

                                                                         ii.      Bridge gaps in funding and services in order to serve community appropriately.


4)       Migrant Family services- a lot focused on education—need more information on other services

-         They are missing from services

-         Such as a father is an alcoholic, e.g.

-         How to reach out to them

-         RURAL- especially for youth (resources)

One Problem here is everyone wants to reinvent the wheel. Who are those in other states doing this?


5)       Interagency group development-

-         Need a purpose beyond information sharing

-         Turf issues; each trying to protect their pieces

-         Rural agencies and also local ~ networks sharing time

~ What can we do together ~ a facilitated workshop to build collaboration here at the conference- win/win

-         Many conferences have ‘interest groups” to meet on their own: in evenings; not as a secondary item… “Mainstream” i.e. daytime

-         Incentive:  Private foundations very interested in collaboration= funding

-         Larger organizations tend to monopolize, smaller organizations offer unique service, bring both together


6)       Such groups- build a resource directory, especially in rural areas or create a web master list

-         Find a grant or service learning, etc. to do it.

-         Community Connection is a web resource

-         If we do groups*, mainstream it… in the afternoon, not an evening “aside”

-         Good luck with lunch meetings

~Round tables

-         1. Info sharing

-         2. Actual collaboration building with commitment/ action plan

-         Lots of this going on informally, but we’d like it more structured

-         Need larger chunks of time to go more in depth


What resources are needed to address the issues?


1) Funding

-         Who are the funders?

-         How to build capacity?

                                                                           i.      Strengthen current programs rather than creating new programs

-         Also, great workshop-

                                                                           i.      Where can we get funding?

                                                                         ii.      This may also lead to collaboration

-         Bring in representatives of foundations and other funders (also funding within agencies)

-         Invite other states who are ahead of MO- how did they get their finding?

-         Also provides connections that make further conversations with funders easier

-         Partnering with others on programs to share funding

-         Collaborate to determine ONE estimate of population (statistics)


2)       Best Practices for Latinos

-         What interventions are working?

-         What is the research?

                                                                           i.      How do we intervene with these problems?

Collaborations- How do we develop collaborations?


Conference Planning/ Next Years Conference


-         Planning- Anna Pizarro & Rosio Gonzalez (these people listed will help with planning for next year and/or will present/facilitate.

-         Those who came this year to work on collaborating over the next year and present together

-         Ana Beatrice Paul- Catholic Family Service- Hispanic Center

~Local Presenters