Cambio de Colores

March 13-15, 2002


Demographic changes in Missouri and Implications for University Outreach & Extension


Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director, University Outreach & Extension

University of Missouri System



The Latino population in Missouri has increased 92 percent over the last 10 years.  Latinos have come to Missouri for employment and educational advantages. Once they arrive, they find many challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences and low-pay employment.  University of Missouri Outreach and Extension is partnering with Latino residents, state and local agencies, the Mexican government and local communities to help improve the lives of Latino people.  Educational programs are being developed for the growing Latino population to provide essential resources for them and the communities in which they live.


 The Alianzas Program was initiated in 2001 to enhance the efforts of Missouri communities to collaborate with the growing immigrant Hispanic populations through university and community partnerships.  Session participants will learn how the program works and the benefits to be gained from these collaborative partnerships.  The accomplishments of Alianzas include:  educational materials adapted for Spanish-speaking audiences, leveraging of resources through grant applications, development of a relationship with the Mexican government for distance learning, and enhanced university/community partnerships in the Southwest, Central and West Central Regions of the state.