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cambio de colores (change of colors) in missouri
a call to action

march 13-15, 2002
university of missouri-columbia

in the news
poster & table exhibits

Participants Comments

Conference list of participants
Conference evaluation results
Participants Suggestions for 2003 Conference

Extra comments (unedited):
The community development sessions on the first day were the most interesting and useful part of the conference because they put the issues in perspective. For the "Weaving Sessions", they either need to be facilitated discussions or sharing of info. When you try to do both, the process gets diluted. Having said that--you might consider having breakfast roundtables of participants for each of the areas in "Weaving". This helps with information sharing.
Shorter days
Too much information for only two days! Wonderful Conference!
On Wednesday...there were 10 hours planned. On Thursday...there were 15 hours planned. The hours are unrealistic! Advertisement should be increased, I found out by accident and I serve the Latino Community in St. Louis. Thank you for doing this conference! I'm glad to see interest in the population and attempts to create action.
I would like to see a conference such as this for (or to include) other minority groups, et al, Bosnians, Vietnamese, etc.
Strengths: 1) This conference was very well organized--registration, presentations, food services, info, etc. 2) Presentations were professional and articulate. 3) Lots of appropriate data. 4) Inclusion of participants from a variety of sectors--health, gov, education, etc. 5) The last session (breakout) was very beneficial. Needs Improvement: 1) More interaction between speakers and audience--smaller sessions, more question & answer time. 2) More emphasis on educational consequences of newcomer ELL's Successful programs? Resources? How do undocumented students get into college? 3) It would be preferable to spread the sessions out a bit to provide more frequent breaks and to allow more presenters to finish their prepared work. Almost all seemed not to have enough time.
There was so much valuable information packed into the sessions! It might help to extend sessions an extra afternoon so that presenters don't have to skip over material to stay on schedule. I would like more of a workshop setting versus panels. That way we could choose more applicable topics and have time for questions. We've been given too much information just dealing with statistics and numbers. I wanted more time to discuss the people behind the numbers and what needs to be done. 14 hour days are too long for the conference! I overheard that Eduardo Gonzalez-Viana's accent was difficult to understand. The 9:00 session from Friday should have been on Thursday so that we would have time for discussion and brainstorming. Our group was just getting going and it was time to finish the whole conference. Adding more breaks in the conference schedule would allow us time to interact, express concerns, etc. Then in turn, we wouldn't "use-up" meeting times sharing background information as much. We would be able to use the time more productively to find solutions and plan for ways to take action. Thank you so much for the valuable information of current trends. The conference was extremely well organized, ran smoothly, and efficiently as well. It was very impressive! Also, the service/food provided was awesome!
The 2nd evening's keynote speaker: too late in the day for a lecture!
This has been an excellent conference with some wonderful information. Thank you! My only suggestion would be to limit the time allotted for introductions--we really do not need to know all of the speakers' background--it took up far too much time!
The first evening: better operation of the sound system! Keep the celebration and personal interaction. Invite some local hispanic leaders from each part of the state and their families. Make certain that INS participates in 2003.
Corinne: You and everyone in HLAFSA should be extremely proud of what you have accomplished. The conference was outstanding and will have a lasting impact for the good. Regarding question #1 (Changes/Cambios): Lourdes Gouveia was excellent, the other speakers rated a 3-4. Regarding question #7 (Civil and Criminal Justice Seminar): It was the best. Regarding Concurrent Session #5 (Justice 1): Excellent!
Regarding question #1 (Changes/Cambios): Especially enjoyed Ms. Gouveia's talk. Regarding the Keynote speakers: Especially enjoyed both these speakers.
1) Why didn't Jim Wirth get invited to share his research? 2) People needed an opportunity to express themselves earlier in the program. They were pent-up by Friday morning! 3) Regarding question #3 (Community Development): The New Iowans deserve a 10! Regarding question #6 (Education): Informed me in a negative way! Regarding Concurrent #2 (Health): Mueller was excellent!
A three day format allows for more information to be discussed without the "rushed" feeling of a 2 day format.
Great conference! I met lots of interesting and informed people! Thank you!
The conference was very, very informative. I made lots of good contacts. I very much look forward to the 2003 Conference in Kansas City.
The format of multiple speakers presenting very brief overviews and highlights was very appropriate for the kickoff of this conference. Next year, I would suggest similar topics with fewer speakers with more depth/time allowed for the speakers/topics.
The temperature was too hot. The lights made it hard to see the screen.
Regarding question #4 (Social Services and Mental Health - Iberty Gedeon): I felt that she rambled and was not as well organized as she should have been. Regarding question #6 (Health Services) Ortega Miller was very good. Simoes had some technical difficulties. Dr. Chignoli's English was difficult to understand. M. Grey and A. Woodrick were outstanding. Woodrick's presentation was very moving. Regarding question #9 (ESL and Bilingualism): The presentation didn't seem germaine to the purpose of the conference. The "Weaving Communities Aroung Critical Needs" sessions were excellent.
Regarding the "Weaving Communities Around Critical Needs": This would have been helpful if it was held at the beginning.
Regarding Keynote Speech #2 (Mid-Western Colonias): He only talked about Mexicans.
The first day was too long of an afternoon without food. I would like a carry-out bag for all of the handouts. Regarding question #3 (Community Development): Need more of this. Regarding Keynote Speech #1 (Literature of the Immigrant Experience): Good!
Regarding question #8 (Roundtable: Critical Questions...): We should have had the opportunity to ask questions.
Regarding question #6 (Education): The panel should have been in the audience to learn, particularly Dr. Pacheco.
The day was too long.
1) Please reconsider the conference facility. The room is too big for "one" screen. Please use the technology available and use 3 screens in this large of a room. 2) Please have more than one table for beverages. How about hot tea! (finally - on the last day) 3) The hours were too long. 4) Please consider translators when questions are asked in Spanish. We must be sensitive to all cultures, whether Spanish is being spoken or not.
The Guadalupe Center should be involved in Kansas City. The Office for Civil Rights should be a participant or have a more active role. I would like to see the faith sectors involved. Perhaps law enforcement and corrections could play a role somehow. The food was great. The cash bar is a good idea as well. Policy and Advocacy should be a panel to move us forward especially if there are bills pending such as HB1306 and HB1416. Great job! Thanks for your hard work.
I enjoyed networking. I enjoyed the food, music, and talking to others about cultural sensitivity.
The conference was very well organized. We were well fed. We had a wonderful opportunity for the exchange of ideas and networking. There was a good mix of data and ideas presented. Excellent choice of presenters.
Almost every presenter mentioned that they did not have enough time to expand. Let's make sure they do so for next year. It is frustrating to hear this over and over. Maybe have a longer conference or more concurrent workshops? Wonderful conference!
Regarding question #2 (Cultural Context): Martinez - L Others 5.
Regarding Session question #6 (Health Services): Good facts. Regarding Session question #7 (Civil and Criminal Justice Seminar): Excellent presentation. Regarding workshop question #8 (Education "Show-Me" Show Case): Good, but it did not meet my specific needs. Regarding morning meetings: This was incredibly important, as was reporting out to the larger group. Thanks so much for this conference!
I cannot thank you enough for working so hard to make this possible. I made wonderful new friends and contacts and I now know there are other people out there with the same hopes, desires, and fears that I have. These are people who can help me with information and advice. I am so excited to get back home and start using all the things that I learned here this week and to share what I learned with others.
Regarding sessions question #2 (Cultural Context), question #4 (Social Services and Mental Health), and workshop question #2 (Health): The rating given was a 3.5.
Next year, if this is during Lent Friday, please have a variety of non-meat dishes for those who are Catholic.
In addition to the formal Roundtable, it would be helpful to have a forum in which individual communities/organizations can share what has worked, so that their success can be used as a model.
The entertainment was fantastic!!! The food was great. The location was nice. Everything was super!!
Regarding the session speakers: in general, my answer is written (5), but some speakes are not as good as the others in the same group. It would have been better to evaluate each speaker separately.
I have a parent at the school that does an excellent job of translating documents. Need information going to families that is more graphic (creatively illustrated) than "wordy." The assumption that literacy is a factor may be misguided. Very impressive collection of experts!!! Regarding the question about conference format: Whew! There's so much information and this conference was intense, can't imagine doing it in less time. Regarding question #3 (Community Development)--work in progress.
I hope we can find speakers that address opportunities and the wonderful things that come from interacting (new immigrants and long-time residents both hispanic and Anglo) as well as exploitation. Vicky Riback-Wilson's presentation gets a 5.