This is an archival site for the fourteenth Cambio de Colores conference (2015).
Current information is available at
Latinos in the Heartland
Shaping the Future: Leadership for Inclusive Communities
June 10-12, 2015
Kansas City, Missouri
Cambio de Colores is a multistate conference about integration of immigrants in new destinations in the Midwest.
It is a professional development opportunity that engages practitioners, researchers, and those working with immigrant communities
in sharing experiences and knowledge that facilitate the integration of immigrants in new settlement areas.

This year's conference was an exciting gathering of practitioners, researchers, educators,
community members, students, and other professionals
from across the Midwest and the United States.
Many thanks go out to everyone involved: presenters, plenary speakers, site visit hosts, conference organizers,
our hosts at UMKC, participants, and of course the actors from Vang.
This energetic annual meeting of people working from different
disciplines, locations, and approaches
to immigrant integration continues to grow and foster new ideas through the exchanges
of research and best practices across many fields.
About Plenary Speakers
Draft of Presentation Abstracts and Presenter Bios
June 10-12, 2015: Fourteenth Cambio de Colores – Latinos in the Heartland conference: Shaping the Future: Leadership for Inclusive Communities
June 29, 2015: Powerpoints and other materials will be posted to the Program page. Presenters who would like to share their materials should send them to
August 17, 2015: Deadline for submission of papers for publication in Proceedings
June 12, 2015: Thanks to all participants, presenters, hosts and organizers for an excellent conference! With over 165 people in attendance from 17 states, the conference was an inclusive discussion.
June 4, 2015: Pre-Conference Registration is now closed. You may register at the conference, starting at 11am on June 10th, in the UMKC Student Union, outside room 401AD.
May 27, 2015: VANG: A Drama about Recent Immigrant Farmers, will be performed on June 11 at 7:30pm, as part of the conference. It is Open to the Public and Free for Everyone. See the
flyer here.
May 22, 2015: Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) Conference
Press Release
May 21, 2015: Due to strong demand, the on-campus housing reserved for the conference is quickly running out. Reservations for campus housing must be made by May 22.
May 15, 2015:
Full program available. Early Bird discounted registration extended to May 22.
April 23, 2015: Draft Program is now available
Info from 2014 Conference
2015 Flyer
Vang Flyer